


前些天看到了这个文章(其实很早就看到了,但是很长我都没心思看,所以也没有了解它的意思),于是想验证一下如果我进行少量多次换水,对于鱼缸来说到底效果多大,跟大量换水有多少差距,有什么优劣。当然,是要用数据说话不能只是凭感觉。文章是RC上的权威Randy Holmes-Farley写的。



Water Changes in Reef Aquaria

Water changes are, by definition, the act of replacing some aquarium water with "new" water. For various reasons, the ways to perform them and their importance are both a matter of some debate and confusion in the world of reef aquaria. Many aquarists perform them extensively, and others never do them. For those who do, the reasons vary and are sometimes even at odds with one another; for example, replenishing "trace elements" and exporting built up "impurities," with the identities of these two being unclear and possibly overlapping.
Much of the confusion about water changes stems directly from uncertainty about three things
1. What is in the existing aquarium water
2. What is in the new aquarium water
3. What levels are optimal for different species.
While several authors have endeavored to more clearly answer these three questions (links to which are given in the references), the questions are really very complicated. Unfortunately, this article will not help to clarify these issues.
很多关于换水的疑问,直接来源于对以下3样东西的不确定:- W- k7 b( G" e6 S3 a" k7 J. s- {) N+ |
2,新水中有什么7 l$ G/ X0 A3 f( k8 N

What this article does provide, however, is a clarified understanding of what water changes are capable of achieving. Using known or calculated rates of addition and depletion of a variety of chemicals in seawater, the effects of water changes can be readily modeled. The impact of water changes on calcium, alkalinity, magnesium, nitrate and sulfate, for example, are shown graphically. In several cases, these examples also serve to provide guidance as to what is occurring with other ions not modeled, but which would increase or decrease in a similar fashion. For example, the control of nitrate accumulation with and without water changes can also show what effect water changes have on other accumulating generic chemicals such as phosphate, organics, heavy metals, and other materials.

How much water must be changed depends entirely on what the desired outcome of the water change actually is. If it is to reduce an accidentally added toxin, massive, immediate and repeated water changes may be appropriate. If it is to maintain calcium and alkalinity, large daily water changes may be necessary. If it is to keep slowly added or depleted ions (e.g., magnesium or strontium) from drifting away from "normal" levels, then smaller changes may be adequate q

Previous articles on water changes have "shown" that small water changes are not useful, and have sometimes left the impression that even many small water changes are not beneficial. It is also "common knowledge" among many reef aquarists that continuous water changes (where water is added and removed at the same time, usually by automatic pumping) is not very useful "because this removes some of the new water that was just added." As I'll show, these assumptions do not stand up to analysis for typical water change scenarios. Consequently, whether choosing to change a lot of water, or only a little, and whether it is done continually, daily, or only rarely, more water change options are available to aquarists than many realize. These increased options' availability may permit busy aquarists to spend time on other important activities, and less time on water changes, while still accomplishing the same goals

This article is divided into the following sections:


本文分一下章节讨论:, n* ]( N" v" R+ W7 w* C. j6 R



What Can be Accomplished with Water Changes
Monthly Batch Water Changes: A Nitrate Example.
Size of Water Changes: A General Case
Size of Water Changes: A Nitrate Example
Water Changes to Add Something: Magnesium
Water Changes to Add Something: Calcium and Alkalinity
Very Large Water Changes Maintain Calcium and Alkalinity,
Water Changes to Deplete Something: Sulfate from a Homemade Two-Part Additive,
How to Perform Water Changes

Large Batch Water Changes
Small Batch Water Changes
Continuous Water Changes
Additional Reading Related to Water Changes

Size of Water Changes: A General Case


As shown in the previous section, a fixed number of small water changes is not as beneficial as the same fixed number of larger water changes. However, for an aquarist who wants to do water changes, the decision of how to change the water should not be driven by that analysis alone. The conclusion of such an analysis is different if one assumes that the aquarist has a fixed volume of water to change, and is just deciding how to accomplish it.

For example, with a 100-gallon tank and a goal of changing 30 gallons each month, one might consider changing 30 gallons once, 15 gallons twice, 10 gallons three times, 5 gallons six times or 1 gallon 30 times. In the extreme case, we can imagine changing an infinitesimally small amount of water an infinitely large number of times, eventually consuming the entire 30 gallons (I actually do this in my aquarium, as I'll explain).

Aquarists often think that many small changes are not as efficient as one big change since some of the water in all subsequent changes was already replaced by earlier changes. This is a correct assertion, but it is often overstressed. After changing 10% three times, only 10% of the first 10% change was changed the second time (1% of the total). So the difference is small. We can mathematically calculate the efficiency of such changes as follows. If we use our 30% example, then one 30% change removes 30% of the impurities, assuming an equal distribution of the impurity within the water. If we do six 5% changes, then the reduction in impurities = 1-(0.95)6 = 26.5%. So it is less efficient (six 5% changes exactly equal 26.5% changed in one batch), but it is not radically less efficient. Going smaller still, the difference is even smaller. Doing 30 one percent changes removes 1-(0.99)30 = 26.0% of the impurities.
鱼友通常认为多次少量换水没有少次大量换水有效,因为多次少量换水的时候,后面的换水势必把之前换进去的较新的水换出来一部分。首先这个论断理论是正确的,但是其效果被高估了。比如每个月分3次每次换10%,那么第二次换水的时候其实只是把第一次换水的那10%中的10%换了出来(总水量的1%)。所以差别不大。下面我们来计算一下:假设每月1次换水30%,那么30%的杂质可以排出,这是简单的;然后,假设我们每个月换水6次每次换5%,那么有多少杂质被排出?计算是这样的:排除比率=1-(0.95)6=26.5%。确实,是不如单次大量换水有效,但是其实差别并不大。如果计算每个月30次每次1%,杂质排出率 = 1-(0.99)30 = 26.0%,跟分3次基本没什么差别。

The extreme case of infinitely small water changes done an infinitely large number of times is approximated by continuous water changes that add water at exactly the same rate it is being removed. The details of how to do this mechanically are described below. This case is a standard example in advanced math textbooks (differential equations, specifically). Assuming the aquarium is well-mixed as the water is changed, the remaining impurities are given by

where I is the amount of impurities present, Io is the amount present at time zero, e is the constant 2.71828, C is the amount changed, and T is the tank's total volume. So for 30 gallons changed this way in a 100-gallon tank, the remaining impurity is 0.74 times Io, or a reduction of 25.92%.

这里的" I "就是杂质残留比例。 "Io" 是起始杂质浓度,e是常量2.71828,C是换水量,T是总水量。所以,100加仑的缸用次方式换入送水量30加仑,杂质剩余量是74.08%,也就是25.92%残留。

The table below compares these results for a 30% water change done via different numbers of smaller changes. Clearly, the single 30% change is a little better than the others (70% vs. 72-74% initial impurities remaining), but the difference is quite small, and the difference between the others in efficiency is trivial.


The same analysis can be carried out for larger water changes. Figure 4 shows a graph of the water change efficiency as a function of the size of the individual changes, when 100% of the aquarium volume is changed. Clearly, the very large changes are much more efficient. In an emergency situation when some toxin must be quickly reduced, performing two 50% changes or one 100% change is far better than doing 20 5% changes. In the normal course of aquarium husbandry, however, when, out of concern for stressed organisms, water changes that large are not normally performed, and where water changes are often in the 0-30% each range, Figure 5 shows that the efficiency does not change greatly over the range involved. 1 N; u4 G* L6 a
