

10) Lady looks at the display tank and asks, "Is that a saltwater fish?" ("Yes Ma'am") Points to another fish in the same tank, and asks "Is that a saltwater fish too?"
Brandon1652 of Norman, OK


10) 一个女人站在展示缸面前,指着其中一条鱼问,"这是海水鱼吗?",男店员答,"是的",然后她指在另外一条鱼(在同一个缸中)问,"这条也是海水鱼吗?"


9) I once heard a guy say to his girlfriend, "look hun...seahorses." Her reply was "Wow...those are real? I thought they were mythical animals like unicorns."
luvreefs23 of Someplace, Ohio


9) 我有一次听到,一个男生对女朋友说,"看,是只海马...这是真的吗?我还以为他们像独角兽一样,只有在虚幻故事中才会有"


8) "The most expensive part of the hobby is the initial cost of the aquarium and stand."
Crazieveggie of Kansas


8) 开海水缸最大的费用就是鱼缸和柜子


7) "After a couple months this coral will grow out enough so you sell frags. The money will more than offset the cost of maintaining your tank."
Sbertomen of Albany NY


7) 几个月以后,你的珊瑚就会长得很大,到时候足够你可以作分支来出售,你赚的钱肯定会比你花在维护的钱要多


6) So what kind of skimmer do you have? "Oh, I'm pretty sure it's a protein skimmer."
paca444 of Central New York


6) 你用的是哪款化蛋器呢?嗯,我敢肯定我用的是去沫化蛋器


5) "Do blood shrimp need blood to survive?"
DezignMe of Lafayette, IN


5) 血虾需要吸血才能活吗?(译者注:血虾是指火焰虾)


4) "...but it's called a purple REEF lobster, he couldn't have done anything wrong."
Kraylen of Monterey Bay, California



3) Standing in front of the LFS's 300 gallon reef, the owner and a man off the street are talking. The man asks "So how expensive is a saltwater tank?" To this the owner replies "It costs a bit to get everything started, but after that the only expense you have is food."
rubysmomma1 of Indiana




2) "If my wife comes in to buy me a gift card for Christmas, don't tell her that I've been in here this week.... better yet, act like you don't know who I am."
joedirte8 of Houston, TX


2) 如果我老婆过来买优惠卡给我,你千万不要告诉她这星期我来过,装得和我不认识一样最好不过了


1) "I want to return this mag float because it had been floating in my tank for 2 weeks and has not collected any algae."
Dcamp of Evansville, Indiana

