宝石任务: 潜水系列-3 法国的地中海水域,目标出现

[eng] For the third dive we had a definitive lead on where we’d find the Corynactis viridis.  My friend Laurent Foure is the curator of the public aquarium in Cap d’Agde; about 2.5 hours westward along the coast of the  Mediterranean. Laurant is an avid diver, and is very familiar with the marine environment nearby his aquarium.  He was able to connect us with a dive operator who could take us by boat to a dive spot inhabited by Corynactis viridis… [/eng] 在第三次潜水,我们还肯定 Corynactis viridis 就在这里, 我朋友Laurent Fourej是Cap d’Agde(埃罗)的水族馆馆长作为这次向导.大约在地中海的西面2.5小时船程海域就是我们的目标. Laurant是一个狂热的潜水爱好者,他对水族馆附近周边的水域非常熟悉. 他能联系到船夫载我们过去 [eng] Cap d’Agde is a French ‘beach town’ that is known as a destination for nudists and hedonistic pursuits.  The hotelier looked at the three of us in disbelief when we told him that we were in town to scuba dive and visit the public aquarium.  He replied by giving us directions to the ‘baths’. [/eng] Cap d’Agde(埃罗)是法国的海滩度假胜地,这里是裸体主义和享乐主义天堂.酒店老板看着我们三个,难以相信我们来这里是为了潜水和去水族馆.他告诉我们去"澡堂"的方向 [eng] The water around Cap d’Agde is much more turbid than it is near Marseille. There is much less rocky coastline, and thus shore diving is an unattractive option.  There is one very popular dive spot less than 500 meters from shore that all of the local dive operators frequent by boat.  At this location there are a series of volcanic rock outcrops that emerge from an otherwise muddy seafloor.  This hard substrate allows a variety of soft corals and invertebrates to thrive in the nutrient rich water. [/eng] 这里的水比较混浊,相对于马赛那边的水域,这条海岸线的石头比较少.对于岸潜来说这不是一个好地方,对于潜水来说,离岸500米潜水,通常都借助船只. 这里的火山石有的露出了水面.有的沉在海底,被泥盖着.这些岩质成了大量的珊瑚和生物的家.并且在这里营养丰富的海水为它们提供了足够的食物. [eng] The dive site at Cap d’Agde is indicated by the yellow arrow.  If you look closely, you can even see boats attached to the mooring buoys at this popular location. [/eng] Cap d’Agde就是黄色箭头所示,如果你靠近一点看,你会发现在这个地方许多船都系着浮桶 [eng] Laurent was unable to dive with us, as he had just recently broken his foot while working behind the scenes at the aquarium.  However, his lovely wife Nathalie came along. It was obvious from the moment we submerged, that the water conditions were significantly different from the previous places we had scouted for Corynactis near Marseille. Visibility was about 3 meters at best, and I was told that this was a “good day”.  It is very clear that Corynactis viridis prefer particulate-laden water to thrive… [/eng] Laurent不能和我们一起下水,因为他在水族馆后台工作时摔伤了腿.不过,他可爱的老婆 Nathalie过来了.伟大的时刻到来了,我们一一下水,这里的水体和我们之前在马赛找Corynactis 的水体明显不一样. 能见度在3米左右,这真是个好日子.  很明显Corynactis viridis 需要一个微生物很多地方才能生存 [eng] This curious yellow blenny was one of the first creatures to greet me on the dive. [/eng] 首先是好奇的黄古B向我们问好 [eng] A Pseudoceros sp. flatworm crawling along the detritus covered seafloor. 扁形虫 Pseudoceros 在布满泥士的海床爬行 [eng] This ‘dirty’ hermit crab (on a gorgonian) further exemplifies the pervasive silt and algae that covered any available surface. [/eng] "满身垃圾"的寄居蟹证明这里的到处都是泥士和海藻覆盖着海床 [eng] This Flabellina affinis aoelid nudibranch stands out brightly against the drab colors of the seafloor.  This species feeds specifically upon small hydroids. 色彩鲜艳的近亲海牛(海兔Flabellina )与单调的底沙形成鲜明的对比.这种生物依赖吃水熄体而生存 [eng]

This is a very similar Flabellina ischitana nudibranch. You can see the recently laid pink strand of eggs in the bottom right-hand corner of the photograph; its mate can just barely be seen in the top center.

[/eng] 和Flabellina ischitana 相拟的海牛,在最新的图册中,母的在右下角刚生了蛋,上面正中间的是只公的
The intelligent and inquisitive eye of the common Mediterranean Octopus vulgaris… commonly found on plates at local seafood restaurants [/eng]
These Paralcyonium spinulosum polyps are very clavularia-like, and have neon green mouths
Paralcyonium spinulosum 有着荧光绿色的嘴(口器)
I found that the relatively horizontal rock surfaces were covered with rather uniform red-brown color morphs. There were literally tens of thousands of these corallimorphs covering the sea floor

Towards the end of the dive I explored an area that had significant vertical relief and underhangs.  It was here that suddenly I was confronted with a bevy of colorful Corynactis viridis morphs with about 15 minutes of air left in the tank.  Not only was there a wide variety of color morphs in this area, they also tended to grow in greater density with less empty space between polyps.  And without further ado, a variety of exquisite Corynactis viridis color morphs:

在接近垂直岩层的底部,我们突然间发现了非常漂亮的Corynactis viridis ,我的氧气瓶只剩下15分钟了.这里不仅有一大堆的Cornactis viridis,并且它的密度也非常高,挨个生长. 不用啰嗦,一齐欣赏漂亮的Corynactis viridis